DCAL offers online tests of Sign Language, Speechreading and Cognition to assess:
Language abilities and language development in deaf adults and children
Deaf signers where there are concerns about language impairment, brain injury, brain disease, stroke or dementia
Our tests were developed as part of our research at the Deafness, Cognition and Language Research Centre at University College London.
DCAL is the largest research centre in Europe focused on sign linguistics, psychology and neuroscience.
The centre brings together leading Deaf and hearing researchers to provide unique insights into language thought, by studying deaf people’s communication and cognition.
This is an important resource for the Deaf community and families of deaf children enabling them to request assessment using accessible tests, normed on deaf people like themselves.
Anonymous research using test data will contribute to future knowledge about deafness and language.
Suitably qualified professionals may use our tests to conduct assessments of deaf adults and children
Researchers may use our tests in their research studies
After applying for permission to use our tests, professionals and researchers may purchase tests
Individuals and families may request testing via an educational or healthcare professional
OR you can get an expert assessment via the DCAL Assessment Clinic
Please read the FAQ pages BEFORE you start using the portal
Our tests are designed to be used by qualified professionals and researchers. If you wish to be tested, or to have your child assessed, please seek advice from a qualified professional who will be able to approach us to obtain permission and/or training to use the tests.
Members of the DCAL team work with UCL Partners Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN), Queen's Square, London, to provide a National Cognitive Disorders Clinic for Deaf patients.
DCAL colleagues also provide input to the Sign Language Assessment Clinic at the Roberta Williams Speech and Language Therapy Centre at City, University of London.
The portal uses up-to-date cryptography, end-to-end SSL and realtime database encryption to ensure that your data is secure and meets ethical requirements.
The portal is fully encyrpted and GDPR compliant